
digital stories

Intergenerational digital stories about local cultural heritage created by older learners in collaboration with younger students. Senior-aged participants developed their digital comptences.
Young people knew more about the local cultural heritage. The results can be used for promotion of cultural heritage and touristic aims as well.

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E-publication with the description of the method of Developing digital competences and exploring Cultural heritage through Intergenerational storytelling. Explore our methodology!

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Interactive map

Interactive map of good practices in 4 partner countries. Partners created common understanding about the definitions of different concepts related to local cultural heritage and its role in intergenerational dialogue. The partners exchanged successful local, regional, and national cases of valorising the local cultural heritage through intergenerational learning activities.

Interactive Map
4 experience exchange visits

Adult educators participated in 4 experience exchange visits. They gained new knowledge in Adult Education on Developing digital competences and exploring Cultural heritage through Intergenerational storytelling.

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4 local workshops

Four local workshops for adult educators in partner countries for transfering the knowledge to local educators and enhancing the opportunities for active involvement of older people in social life. One workshop per country was organised on Developing digital competences and exploring cultural heritage through intergenerational storytelling.

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Digital Competences Development Through Intergenerational Learning
